Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank You to my Soon to be Ex

This is my formal thank you letter to my soon to be ex!  I thought about this one day because it is senseless to waste time and energy missing someone who was never the one for you.   The past year has been an absolute roller coaster with  numerous court dates for child support and the civil case for the marital property

I find it interesting when people suggest you consider reconciliation without knowing the details of your relationship.   Also what defines a relationship in one home is definitely not the same in another home.   I say to emphasize reconciliation is not for everyone.  Personally, I believe that two people are better apart than together especially when children are involved.  A psychologist told me studies show it is better to raise children separately than in a home that is filled with tension.  Wow, can I high five her today. 

Although I have a few choice words for my soon to be ex (and the other woman) and his relationship with the other woman I will resort to say it here too and in person if the need arises(ha-ha).

First and foremost I want to thank you for being the most disrespectful male I have ever known in my life.   I really want to thank you for calling me b#$&*es in court(real classy!).  You have really shown how classless you are and the level of maturity you obviously lack.   Oh, the icing on the cake is when you compared me and the your jump off(left me thinking for real).  Despite all the business that needs to be handled- you went there!  This was by far your finest hour!  For a man to disrespect the woman he married and mother of his children in such a vile way truly shows your caliber.  Although you think your life is grand just think that your actions not only undo your selfish life but undo what existed as a family.  However, everyone has a different concept of family.   I especially want to thank all of your co-signers who sit by and cheer you on and applaud your actions.  When you are in a crunch(such as now) I hope they are standing by with their checkbooks open because that is what friends are for, right? 

The most exciting part of you being a soon be ex really means this is who you will be and should be.  You were never meant to be there for the long term.  It feels great to wake each day with the possibility of meeting someone who respects and loves me they way I deserve.   This is enough to never want to look back on dysfunction.  I also love the fact that I can instill in my daughter what the real love of a MAN feels like! 

Again, thank you for being a deceitful, despicable and disrespectful individual because my eyes are wide open to finding the Right One!