Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Child Support

For the life of me I cannot understand why this topic creates such a bone of contention.  It is my understanding that child support is a parent's responsibility not an option.  When I evaluate the costs of raising children just on a monthly basis it is eye-popping!  The reality of covering rent/mortgage, daycare, utilities, food, car payments, gas, car maintenance, school supplies, and recreational activities.  

Why do some individuals act as if this is a personal vendetta against them?  The determination is based on the incomes of both parents which means the courts take into account the income contributions of both parents.  The amount is fairly determined based on the number of children in question.  This formula in my opinion is just plain common sense.  I guess as they say sense is not common.   Kudos to the dads who recognize the importance  and responsibility of child support by continuing to do what is in the best interest of your child(ren).  My hat goes off to you because you GET IT!    It is not optional to be financially responsibility for your child(ren).   Another question I have is why do individuals use other people's situation as an example for themselves?  Every situation is different and this is evident as all child support payments vary from person to person.  Some people choose to file for child support and some do not.  Please do not use other people as a gauge for what my children are owed. 

According to the cost of raising a child calculator on http://www.babycenter.com/cost-of-raising-child-calculator on BabyCenter.com, the cost of raising a child born in 2006 is $328, 910 who may attend a public college.  Therefore, please note your child support is just a share of what is required to fully provide for children.  I just ask that all step up and alleviate the stress, time and legal costs from multiple visits back to the courthouse.


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